Friday, March 18, 2011

The RERUN Method

Today third grade scientists use the RERUN method to write their crayfish investigation conclusions. we use sentence starters to get them all writing!
¢ Recall what you did

Our class completed a crayfish investigation

¢ Explain why you did this lab and what you were trying to find out.

We wanted to know¦

¢ Results- what happened, here is where you report your data, this is where you share if your data supported a hypothesis you had

Our results showed¦

¢ Uncertainty- Any errors in the investigation that you could not control (for example, if your stop watch did not work) or anything that did not go well- perhaps your crayfish did not move, or you changed crayfish mid investigation for some reason.

One thing we were unsure of¦

¢ New questions or new information you learned

We still want to know¦

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