STEM Resources for Teachers

Sample Project-Based Learning from Weaver Lake Elementary STEM School

First grade sample project
At Weaver Lake Elementary as a part of the first grade curriculum students learn about lifecycles and animal groups. At Weaver Lake we continue to study these concepts through our spring insect investigation. Students work in groups to collect and identify the insects in our nature area. Students quickly learn that most insects fall into 5 major orders including: coleopteran, Diptera, Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera and Hemiptera. Students then work with the science museum of Minnesota and learn how to engineer a hand pollinator. Finally student take what they have learned and the culminating activity is to design and build an anatomically correct insect out of spare craft materials. Click here to check out a student project

Third grade sample project
Third grade students are introduced to the open inquiry process via a crayfish investigation. After studying the crayfish for weeks, students work in small groups to develop a testable question. Students then design and conduct their investigation, with support from the classroom teacher. Their results are shared by creating a crayfish Imovie. Click here to check out a student project

Sixth grade sample project
Our sixth grade students start off the year with a course in Insect Field Ecology. Students learn how to make careful observations, collect and classify insect orders and conduct an authentic scientific investigation. Students showcase their work at both the Monarch fair at Weaver Lake School and the University of Minnesota Insect Fair. Click here to check out a student project 

Research & Recommended Reading

 Web 2.0 Web Resources
Citizen Science Project Resources