Friday, November 18, 2011

STEM Career Fair 2/3/2011

The 1st annual Weaver Lake STEM career fair will take place on Friday February 3, 2011. If you can help contact Lisa Koch at:

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Weaver Lake Insect Fair to take place 11/18/2011

Our sixth grade students will have their insect projects judged by scientists from; Boston Scientific, Freshwater Scientific Services, The University of Minnesota and The Department of Natural Resources this Friday.  This activity helps our sixth grade students get ready for the Insect fair at The University of Minnesota in December. For more information check here: Insect Fair

Monday, November 14, 2011

Digital science stories presented at The Works Children's Engineering conference

Laurie Toll and I presented a workshop on Creating digital science stories at the Works Conference last Monday.
The session inspired educators to create a 21st century learning environment by challenging students to publish science and engineering content for a global audience, motivating students to become better scientists and writers and see themselves as contributors to a larger community. Examples include; podcasts, video, Voicethreads and Google stories.

See us present this topic again at this years TIES conference in Minneapolis MN